Click here to access the Congress Abstract Book
Key dates - abstract submission:
- 1 March 2024: Abstract submission opens
- 30 September 2024: Abstract submission and presenting author registration deadline
- October 2024: Abstract notifications
Why submit your abstract?
- This is the 10th Congress of South East European Society of Perinatal Medicine which is an international congress.
- Promoting your research and findings at the congress gives you access to a South East European audience.
- Your abstract will be published in GORM Journal which is supported by the Society.
- Your oral presentation will be certified by the Society (SEESPM).
Please fulfill the following issues while submitting your abstract
- Presenting author’s contact details:
- Full first and family name(s)
- Email address
- Affiliation details: department, institution / hospital, city, country
- Phone number
- Author and co-authors’ details.
- Indicate your preferred presentation type: oral presentation or poster presentation.
- Abstract Type – Research/Medical Abstracts or Case Reports/Clinical Cases will be accepted (gynecology related abstracts will not be accepted)
- Abstract title – must be in UPPER CASE and limited to 25 words. Please submit symbols as words.
- Abstract text – limited to 250 words, including references.
- Key words – maximum 3
- All abstracts should be submitted in English and if accepted, presentations can be in English or Turkish.